The Tipton After Prom Committee is holding an auction fundraiser for Volleyball and Football VIT (Very Important Tiger) parking spots. We have 4 spots at the middle school and 4 spots at the Football field. The auction will run from 8/19 through 8/26 at 5pm.
Attached is the live bidding of the VIT parking spots.
Tipton After-Prom Committee

Leadership Day at Adventureland for FBLA members.

FBLA prepares students for careers in business, entrepreneurship, finance, information technology, and management. https://youtu.be/cLxs0N9P6R4

Auditions for The SpongeBob Musical August 30 - September 1!

The Tipton Athletic Boosters is kicking off their 2022-23 membership drive!! See the flyer for information on how to become an Athletic Booster!!

The team finished up selling discount cards with a sales blitz after practice and were rewarded for a job well done with burgers and brats!

Due to possible inclement weather this evening, the start time for tonight's football scrimmage at West Branch has been moved up to 4:15 PM.

Tipton Community Members explain why the September 13th school bond vote is important!

High School staff is already going stir crazy without students! Can’t wait to see everyone on Tuesday.

Upcoming dates and times for High School Tours and Satellite Voting.
HS Tour 8/18 @ 5:30 beginning in the High School Media Center
Satellite Voting August 24th – Middle School Media Room 12:30 p.m. to 6:30
Satellite Voting Sept. 1st - Middle School Media Room 4:00 to 7:30
Satellite Voting Sept. 2nd - High School Media Room 1:00 to 7:00

Congratulations to Davis Webb, Caden Schmidt, Braden Bartels, and Kaje Chapman for being named to the Quad City Times All-Eastern Iowa baseball team.

Important Property Tax Information Related to the Upcoming Bond Vote on September 13, 2022.

Registration is now live! Please visit tipton.powerschool.com/public, enter your login credentials, and then select "forms" on the left hand side. Directions can be found at the top of the school webpage for requesting an account or troubleshooting; under 2022-2023 registration.

The Tipton Tiger swim team trying to fit a team mate in a swim cap during their break at swim camp!
If anyone is still interested or thinking of joining the swim team, contact Coach Gerken for more information! alex.gerken@tipton.k12.ia.us

Information on the Upcoming September 13, 2022 Bond Vote

Great Day of professional learning for TCSD administrative team on creating a trauma accommodating framework for students and staff.

Tipton school registration will being at 8am on Monday, August 8th. A link will be sent via email and provided at the top of the school website starting that morning!

It's Time! Informational email went out to high school parents and students today. 22 days until school starts!

The TCSD SEBH Department will be hosting a screening of the documentary Audrie and Daisy. This evening at 5:30 PM in the Mathews Building at the Fair Grounds
Snacks and Drinks will be served

August 2022 TCSD Calendar of Events