August 2022 TCSD Calendar of Events
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
TCSD August Calendar of Events
Thank you to Matt McCall @State Farm for the donation of school supplies!!
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
school supplies
school supplies
TES summer school has had a great week! Students have been engaged in lots of activities including reading rotations, math hopscotch, and even robotic programing. We are very lucky to have the dedicated staff we do here in Tipton! #TigerPride #GoTigers
over 2 years ago, Tipton Elementary
Summer School
Summer School 2
Math Hopscotch
Crews busy adding new student parking at the high school
over 2 years ago, Tipton High School
Crews busy adding new student parking at the high school
Buildings are looking fabulous! Shout out the the TCSD maintenance staff for their hard work this summer.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Tipton T
Important conversations and collaboration this morning with Tipton Police on student and school safety.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
TCSD and Tipton Police
TCSD has updated the district our website, , to improve navigation and access to information. Wen you get a chance please take a minute to check it out. Also we have a mobile app available to download at both the Apple and Android stores. Simply search for Tipton Tigers. As the school year gets close both of these platforms will be utilized to provide updates and distribute information about the start of the school year.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Exciting news coming out of the University of Iowa College of Education.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Tipton Elementary will be hosting Summer School July 25th-August 5th for students who were invited in April. Classes will be held each morning from 8:00 am-12:00 pm Monday-Friday both weeks. Unlike last year, breakfast and lunch will NOT be served this year.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Elementary
Congratulations to Boys Tack and Field athletes recognized on the All-eastern Iowa boys track and field honorable mention: Skyler Schmidt, Kaleb Nerem, Jacob Barton, and AJ Thumma
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Congratulations to Boys Tack and Field athletes recognized on the All-eastern Iowa boys track and field first team. Ezekiel Graves, Cody Bohlmann, Ty Nichols, Clay Bohlmann, Troy Butler, Caden Schmidt, Cody Koch
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Congratulations to Clay Bohlmann, Quad City Times All- Eastern Iowa boys track and field athlete of the year.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Athlete of the Year
Playoff games have been moved up. Tigers will play approximately 6:00. If you can't make it Chad Rezac will have the call on Tigercast.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Check out the updated FAQ regarding the upcoming High School Bond Vote.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Construction Rendering
Construction Rendering
TCSD Summer Strength and Conditioning in Full Swing
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Summer Strength and Conditioning
Mobile Food Pantry Information
over 2 years ago, Tipton Community Schools
Mobile Food Pantry Info
The Baseball team is having our Patriot Night on Tuesday June 28 when we host Camanche. We will honor local Veterans and Active Military in between JV and Varsity games. While it's a small token of appreciation of our Vets it's also a great lesson in service, sacrifice, and community. If you know of someone, please pass on the word to them.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Baseball
Patriot Night 2022
4 awesome young men were recognized on Senior Night! All of them contributed and scored on the night. Thanks Cody, Jamie, Eli, and Kaje. Thanks to their parents for all their support and the moms for tossing out the 1st pitch! Excited to see these four lead us through the final weeks of the regular season.
over 2 years ago, Tipton Baseball
2022 Baseball Seniors
Reminder of the Tipton Athletic Boosters fundraiser tonight at the fairgrounds. Tiger Prowl road race starts at 6:00. If you are not a runner, a pork sandwich meal provided by the Cedar County Pork Producers also starts at 6:00 and live music from 7:00-10:00.
over 2 years ago, Matt Nerem
Tiger Prowl
Due to the potential for T-Storms developing later this evening, Varsity baseball will play at 5:00 today at West Liberty, followed by JV.
almost 3 years ago, Tipton Athletics